Friday, March 20, 2009

CAUTION... Avoiding the Homework Zone

Have you ever procrastinated from studying? I am the master of distractions, I always find someway to NOT STUDY
TGIM (thank goodness it's March!) ladies and gents, the weather is getting nice and sunny, it's getting warmer, and the snow isn't accumulating on the ground. As I was saying, I get easily distracted from studying. Today, a beautiful Friday with sunny skies lulled me to take pity on my poor poor car. My car is really one of the greatest loves I have in my life, sad, yes I know, but true. 
I decided to wash Bessie. Bessie is my 2000 ford focus wagon, she's red, manual transmission, and great for drivin! Taking pity on Bessie, I washed, and then WAXED the car. To recap my day for you view below:

Meet Bessie

Turtle wax is really the only wax to get for your car, there is really only one reason I am so set on turtle wax (besides the fact that it actually works, and the sign below is AWESOME), my Grandpa always uses turtle wax, and when I had his car I would always go to his house and we would wax the car together. 

It was so beautiful today, I can't even believe how gorgeous it was! I met some more neighbors today it was pretty exciting. Since I don't live very close to the University of Western Ontario, I live about 10 minute drive or so, I live in a neighborhood with more families. My house is the only student house, which is pretty cool I guess! Anyways (I did mention I get distracted easily right!?), LOTS OF SUN... YEAY

I also had to get a hot chocolate for all the work that I was doing, it was just tuckering me out, the hot chocolate kept the fire fueled!

Well that was my exciting day of not doing school work! 


  1. I'm going to have to disagree with you on the Turtle wax!

    I love my car very much, too, and wouldn't do anything to it that is less than perfection!

    I used to use turtle wax, until I found Meguiar's NXT Tech Wax 2.0. It makes it look like your car came straight from the factory, then 100 dancing virgin's hi-speed polished every square inch, and then only to be clear-coated again. In one coat of wax.

    Give it a shot some time, I guarantee you'll be impressed! Hell, I'll even come help you put it on and if you don't agree with me you can spray me in the face with the hose.


  2. Nick I will definitely have to take you up on the offer to help me wax the car!! Where do you get the Meguiar's wax?

  3. Canadian tire! The one thing is its about $30 bucks a bottle... Ive done 4 waxes and I still have about half left! So I'd say you get 6-8 waxes out of it, so about 4-6 bucks per wax. Which doesn't sound that bad when you say it that way :)

